What is OpenJet
OpenJet is a state-of-the-art software that will bring you secure, cost-efficient, user-oriented solutions for insurance management. It connects patients, providers, and payers on one platform, thereby facilitating health information exchange, and providing personalized digital health services.
OpenJet is always focused on the user experience, and as such our focus rests on adding new functionalities to provide a solution tailored to your needs. Through OpenJet, you can ensure an efficient and seamless journey for healthcare system stakeholders by expediting accurate pre-authorization transactions to generate transparent and efficient claims between payers and providers.
Eligibility for payers
Eligibility for buyers
Eligibility for pharmacies

An intelligent solution to automatically identify if prior authorization is needed, and accelerate their submission while also improving communication between payers & providers for authorization response.

A digitalized solution that helps physicians follow the regulators’ guidelines in issuing and handling medical prescriptions, increasing medication adherence and enhancing patients’ journey.

Eligibility Verification
An accurate real-time verification with key benefits mapping.
What does OpenJet offer?
Real-time verification
for patients’ coverage at the point of registration with key benefits data mapping.
End-to-end automated e-Authorization
a pre-authorization service harnessing meaningful insights to accelerate the submission and retrieval of payer authorization response through redesigned streamlined workflows
Intelligent Medical Necessity Check
systematizes claims adjudication by foreseeing which claims are subjected to denials, purpose-built to prevent unnecessary write-offs.
Pharmacy Benefit Management (PBM)
an innovative solution enabling the digitalization of prescribing and dispensing medication. Our automated process allows quick and convenient access to prescriptions online, and enables report generation to analyze trends.
AI-powered real-time dashboard analytics
allowing health providers to harness the power of visibility on claims data and reach evidence-driven decisions.
Unparalleled interoperability
securing unprecedented flexibility through real-time access and effective communication of health information via standardized electronic health records.
One Compliant solution
with several governmental regulatory authorities, eliminating the need for multiple systems. Our system tackles the continuously expanding rules and mandates, allowing healthcare providers to fully comply with official regulators & avoid violation penalties.
What this means for payers, is that they can have access to a cloud-based solution that renders insurance eligibility processing more reliable and less costly through a disaster-resistant patient eligibility infrastructure. What OpenJet does is reduce insurance abuse and operations costs, streamlining claims by providing a cardless health insurance experience, making all needed information available before rendering medical services (including, but not limited to, excessive service use), which can help obtain a more accurate IBNR for loss ratio calculation and proactively manage medical service utilization.
For providers, what this translates into is real-time patient policy verification, which provides information on demographic data, coverage, responsibility for co-pays and co-insurance, and applying payer gatekeeping rules. This allows providers to benefit from increased revenue through claim denial reduction, and increased operational efficiency.
How it works
OpenJet connects healthcare providers, payers, and patients in one solution that can be tailored to your needs, greatly reducing the patient journey and verification errors by digitalizing the entire e-Authorization process, and offering an holistic overview of insurance coverage and services available to patients:
- The patient provides their Emirates-ID or Insurance Card number documents, upon which the software links them to medical services both accurately and securely in accordance with their insurance category.
- All parties have access to real-time messaging in a patient-centric experience that also provides payers and providers with: drug checks, member checks, diagnosis checks, procedures checks, clinician checks, and patient service eligibility checks.
- Tech savvy pre-authorization service automatically identifies if authorization is needed, and subsequently retrieves payer authorization response in a very short time span. By so doing, it greatly limits fraudulent claims and insurance abuse.
- The medical e-claim adjudication process uses a specialized engine that guarantees high operational efficiency and accuracy.
- Electronic prescriptions and pharmacy documents are issued and delivered digitally, resulting in timely transactions. This process ensures the elimination of fraud, a decrease in controlled medication/opioid prescription and increased patient safety.
Openjet is a state-of-the-art & multi-module medical application that enables healthcare providers to verify patients’ insurance information and manage transactions in a timely manner.
Focus on the practice functions from front office administrative management to back office coding, mapping, billing, and claim tracking providing value added services including insurance verification and authorization.
Focus on empowering healthcare and insurance organizations to build simplified digital solutions with data analytics capabilities.
Seamless integration with insurance models simplifies insurance management across all departments, improves patients’ engagement and enhance the overall patient journey.
OpenJet enables higher efficiency, enhanced services, innovative solutions, and more patient engagement.
Eciency & productivityreducing admin & operationcost
Openjet is a state-of-the-art & multi-module medical application that enables healthcare providers to verify patients’ insurance information and manage transactions in a timely manner.
Focus on the practice functions from front office administrative management to back office coding, mapping, billing, and claim tracking providing value added services including insurance verification and authorization.
Focus on empowering healthcare and insurance organizations to build simplified digital solutions with data analytics capabilities.
Seamless integration with insurance models simplifies insurance management across all departments, improves patients’ engagement and enhance the overall patient journey.
OpenJet enables higher efficiency, enhanced services, innovative solutions, and more patient engagement.
Eciency & productivityreducing admin & operationcost
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Creating trust and acceptance at the regulators and the industry (Insurance payers, Third Party Administrators, Medical and Health services providers
Fully automated
Identify when eAuth is needed
Facilitated electronic submission
Retrieved payer’s eAuth response
Access anytime
Built in Messenger
Integration with TPA’s and Payers
INTEGRAtion with pharmacies
Eligibility Services using National ID
Health information exchnage( Lab tests, Vaccination, Medication, etc.)
Openjet tailors real-time fully automated patient insurance eligibility and benefit verification processes based on customized triggers.
Specialty specific verification with full parsing of key benefits data such as Copays, deductibles, Schedule of Benefits, Top-ups, etc. Focused on easy and direct API integration with customized endpoints in an enhanced response and combined expertise in coding and mapping.
Eliminate the manual data entry process and it’s related typing errors. Complete transformation solution to an e-Platform. Supports an insurance cordless environment using eID documents assuring higher data accuracy, reduce claims denials and increase revenue.
Eligibility for payers
Openjet tailors real-time fully automated patient insurance eligibility and benefit verification processes based on customized triggers.
Specialty specific verification with full parsing of key benefits data such as Copays, deductibles, Schedule of Benefits, Top-ups, etc. Focused on easy and direct API integration with customized endpoints in an enhanced response and combined expertise in coding and mapping.
Eliminate the manual data entry process and it’s related typing errors. Complete transformation solution to an e-Platform. Supports an insurance cordless environment using eID documents assuring higher data accuracy, reduce claims denials and increase revenue.
Eligibility for payers
Openjet tailors real-time fully automated patient insurance eligibility and benefit verification processes based on customized triggers.
Specialty specific verification with full parsing of key benefits data such as Copays, deductibles, Schedule of Benefits, Top-ups, etc. Focused on easy and direct API integration with customized endpoints in an enhanced response and combined expertise in coding and mapping.
Eliminate the manual data entry process and it’s related typing errors. Complete transformation solution to an e-Platform. Supports an insurance cordless environment using eID documents assuring higher data accuracy, reduce claims denials and increase revenue.